The Outcomes Tab is where Coaches can celebrate financial milestones and victories with their clients. Outcomes are tracked from the time they were Baselined (Baseline Value) and the current date a Coach is viewing this page (Current Value). All Outcomes are scheduled to be refreshed once a week but can also be refreshed manually by clicking the Refresh Outcomes button in each section.
Change Machine Outcomes:
Change Machine Outcomes are standard Outcomes that include the list of the financial areas below and show a comparison between the Baseline Values (Baselined Month) and the Current Values (the day you are viewing the Outcomes). The Current Status column denotes if an Outcome is being achieved in the current month and the First Achievement Date is the first time an Outcome was recorded and achieved. The First Achievement Date will always remain the first date that an Outcome was achieved.
- Auto Deduct: Marked as achieved when the baselined month Auto Deduct item from a Spending Plan has increased in a following month.
- Achieved: Baseline Value is "Auto deduct has decreased/not improved" and Current Value is "Auto deduct has improved."
- Not Achieved: Baseline Value AND Current Value are "Auto deduct has decreased/not improved."
- Banking Fees: Marked as achieved when the baselined month Banking Fee related Expenses in the Spending Plan has decreased in a following month.
- Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Banking Fee related Expenses is less than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Banking Fee related Expenses.
- Not Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Banking Fee related Expenses is the same or greater than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Banking Fee related Expenses.
- Credit Score: Marked as achieved when the baselined month FICO Credit Score has increased in a following month.
- Achieved: Current Value credit score is greater than the Baseline Value credit score.
- Not Achieved: Current Value credit score is the same or less than the Baseline Value credit score.
- Credit Status: Marked as achieved when the baselined month FICO Credit Score is marked as "Invisible/Too Thin" and has been marked as "Visible" in a following month.
- Achieved: Baseline Value is "Credit Invisible/Credit Too Thin" and Current Value is "Credit Visible."
- Not Achieved: Baseline Value AND Current Value are "Credit Invisible/Credit Too Thin."
- DTI (Debt to Income) Ratio: Marked as achieved when the baselined month DTI percentage has decreased in a following month.
- Achieved: Current Value DTI percentages is greater than the Baseline Value DTI percentage.
- Not Achieved: Current Value DTI percentage is the same or less than the Baseline Value DTI percentage.
- Debt Progression: Marked as achieved when the baselined month Debt total has decreased in a following month.
- Achieved: Baseline Value is "Debt has not been paid down" and Current Value is "Debt has been paid down."
- Not Achieved: Baseline Value AND Current Value are "Debt has not been paid down."
- Goals: Marked as achieved when the the number of achieved Goals as increased from one month to a following month.
- Achieved: Current Value number of Goals achieved is greater than the Baseline Value number of Goals achieved.
- Not Achieved: Current Value number of Goals achieved is the same as the Baseline Value number of Goals achieved.
- Liquid Assets: Marked as achieved when the total amount of baselined Liquid Assets has increased in the following month.
- Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Liquid Assets is greater than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Liquid Assets.
- Not Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Liquid Assets is the same or less than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Liquid Assets.
- Net Income: Marked as achieved when the total amount of baselined Net Income in the Spending Plan has increased in the following month.
- Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Net Income is greater than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Net Income.
- Not Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Net Income is the same or less than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Net Income.
- Net Worth: Marked as achieved when the total amount of baselined Net Worth has increased in the following month.
- Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Net Worth is greater than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Net Worth.
- Not Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Net Worth is the same or less than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Net Worth.
- Taxes: Marked as achieved when there are Tax Refunds that are associated with a Savings Goal and when the number of Tax Refunds associated with a Savings Goal has increased in a following month.
- Achieved: Current Value number of Tax Refunds associated with a Savings Goal is greater than the Baseline Value number of Tax Refunds associated with a Savings Goal.
- Not Achieved: Current Value number of Tax Refunds associated with a Savings Goal is the same or less than the Baseline Value number of Tax Refunds associated with a Savings Goal.
- Total Debt: Marked as achieved when the baselined total dollar amount of Debt has decreased in a following month.
- Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Total Debt is greater than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Total Debt.
- Not Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Total Debt is the same or less than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Total Debt.
- Total Deposits: Marked as achieved when the baselined total number deposits included in Asset line items has increased in a following month.
- Achieved: Current Value number of deposits in Assets is greater than the Baseline Value number of deposits in Assets.
- Not Achieved: Current Value number of deposits in Assets is equal to or less than the Baseline number of deposits Assets.
- Total Expenses: Marked as achieved when the baselined total of Expenses in the Spending Plan has decreased in a following month.
- Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Expenses is greater than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Expenses.
- Not Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Expenses is equal to or less than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Expenses.
- Total Income: Marked as achieved when the baselined total of Income in the Spending Plan has increased in a following month.
- Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Income is greater than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Income.
- Not Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Income is equal to or less than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Income.
- Unproductive Debt: Marked as achieved when the baselined total of Debt that was marked as "Unproductive" has decreased in a following month.
- Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Unproductive Debt is less than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Unproductive Debt.
- Not Achieved: Current Value dollar amount of Unproductive Debt is equal to or greater than the Baseline Value dollar amount of Unproductive Debt.
Change Machine Target Outcomes:
Change Machine Target Outcomes are Outcomes with Target Values that can be set by each organization. Target values can be set by percentage, dollar amount, credit points, or number of times. A Coach can also see when a client has achieved in the current month (Current Status) and the date that an Outcome was first achieved (First Achievement Date).
- Banking Fees: Marked as achieved when the baselined month Banking Fee related Expenses in the Spending Plan has decreased in a following month. Your organization can set a dollar amount for the Target Value.
- Credit Score: Marked as achieved when the baselined month FICO Credit Score has increased in a following month. Your organization can set a score point value for the Target Value.
- DTI (Debt to Income) Ratio: Marked as achieved when the baselined month DTI percentage has decreased in a following month. Your organization can set a percentage for the Target Value.
- Liquid Assets: Marked as achieved when the total amount of baselined Liquid Assets has increased in the following month. Your organization can set a dollar amount for the Target Value.
- Net Income: Marked as achieved when the total amount of baselined Net Income in the Spending Plan has increased in the following month. Your organization can set a dollar amount for the Target Value.
- Net Worth: Marked as achieved when the total amount of baselined Net Worth has increased in the following month. Your organization can set a dollar amount for the Target Value.
- Total Debt: Marked as achieved when the baselined total dollar amount of Debt has decreased in a following month. Your organization can set a dollar amount for the Target Value.
- Total Deposits: Marked as achieved when the baselined total number deposits included in Asset line items has increased in a following month. Your organization can set a number for the Target Value.
- Total Expenses: Marked as achieved when the baselined total of Expenses in the Spending Plan has decreased in a following month. Your organization can set a dollar amount for the Target Value.
- Total Income: Marked as achieved when the baselined total of Income in the Spending Plan has increased in a following month. Your organization can set a dollar amount for the Target Value.
- Unproductive Debt: Marked as achieved when the baselined total of Debt that was marked as "Unproductive" has decreased in a following month. Your organization can set a dollar amount for the Target Value.
How to Set Target Outcomes
NOTE: Only Users with a System Administrator Profile or the CM Configuration Permission Sets can edit and modify the Target Outcomes.
To set the Target Outcomes for your Customers:
- Log into Salesforce.
- Navigate to the Setup cog icon.
- In the left navigation panel, scroll down to and click on Custom Code and select Custom Metadata Types.
- You can use the Quick Find box to search for and click on Custom Metadata Types.
- You can use the Quick Find box to search for and click on Custom Metadata Types.
- Click on Manage Records to the left of the Outcome_Target label name.
- To set an Outcome Target for each of the listed Target Outcomes, click on Edit to change the dollar amount, point amount, or percentage that your organization wants your Customers to achieve to achieve the Target Outcomes.
- Click Save to save the Target Outcome Value.
- Repeat for each available Target Outcome.