Within SHARE, there are smaller communities that each user can join or create called Groups. Groups allow smaller groups of financial coaching practitioners to communicate and share with each other.
Update the Frequency You Receive Group Emails
As a Group Member, you can customize the frequency that you receive emails
- Log into SHARE.
- Click on My Groups. All Groups listed on this page are Groups you have been added to.
- Click on the name of any Group.
- To your Notification Settings click on the Dropdown to change the frequency.
Choose one of the following options based on how frequently you want to receive emails:
Every Post:
Every time a post added or interacted with in the Group. -
Daily Digest:
A once daily email containing all activity in the Group that happened that day. This will contain no more than fifty (50) items. -
Weekly Digest:
A once weekly email containing all activity in the Group that happened that week. This will contain no more than fifty (50) items. -
Only important, account related emails will be received.
Every Post:
Find and Join a Group
- Log into SHARE.
- Click on My Groups at the top of your page.
- On the Groups List View dropdown, click on the arrow to the right of My Groups and select Active Groups. Active Groups will show you all Groups that are currently active within the Change Machine Share Community.
- There are two types of groups that you will see:
- Public Groups: Anyone can join groups that are public.
Private Groups: These are denoted with (Private) after the name of the Groups and you have to be approved or invited by the Group Manager or Creator to join Groups that are private.
- Find a Group that you would like to join and click the name of the Group.
- On the Group page, click the + Join Group (Public Groups) or + Ask to Join (Private Groups).
NOTE: After every new Change Machine User's account has been created, you are automatically added to the Change Machine Community Group. If for some reason you do not see any posts on your feed after logging in, you will need to manually join the Change Machine Community Group.
Leave a Group
- Log into SHARE.
- Click on My Groups at the top of your page.
- Scroll down to the Group Banner and put your mouse on the ✔️Member button.
- When you mouse is on top of the button, it will change to say X Leave Group.
- Click X Leave Group to leave this group.
Create a Group
- Log into SHARE.
- Click on My Groups at the top of your page.
- Click on the New button to create your New Group.
- Enter the following information for your Group:
Group Details:
- Name (Required): Give your Group a name.
- Description: Enter in a description for your Group.
- Information: Enter any relevant information about your Group.
- Owner (Required): This will default to you unless you choose another person.
Group Access:
Access Type (Required):
- Public: Anyone can see and add posts, comments, and files. Anyone can join a public group.
- Private: Only group members can see and add posts, comments, and files. Anyone can request to join a private group but managers must accept or deny the request.
Archive: Archiving a group will make it so that the Groups is closed and no new posts can be created but all SHARE users can still view any posts that were created before it was Archived.
Access Type (Required):
Group Details:
- Click Save & Next to save these settings.
- You can upload a image to become your Group Photo and display to the left of the name of the Group. Click Next to go to next screen.
- You can add any Members of your Group if you have a list of people to add already. Click Next to go the next screen.
- Click Done to save your Group.
Manage a Group
If you are a Group Owner, you can customize various information about your Group.
Manage Notifications:
You can manage how often Group Members will receive emails when Posts are created in the Group.
The options are:
Every Post:
Every time a post added or interacted with in the Group.
Daily Digest:
A once daily email containing all activity in the Group that happened that day. This will contain no more than fifty (50) items.
Weekly Digest (DEFAULT):
A once weekly email containing all activity in the Group that happened that week. This will contain no more than fifty (50) items.
Only important, account related emails will be received.
Group Members can change how often they want to receive updates individually but the setting that a Group Owner chooses is the default setting for each Member that joins the Group.
Edit or Delete Group:
The Group information such as the Name and Description can be edited by clicking the Edit Group button. A Group can be deleted by clicking the Delete Group button.
NOTE: Only Group Owners can perform these actions.
Edit Members or Member Requests:
A Group Owner can add or remove Members from a Group (Public or Private).
Manage Members:
Use this section to add members manually by searching for their name in the Search People search box. Click the + Add button to the right of their name to add them to your Group.
Membership Requests:
If your Group is Private, you will be notified of any requests that potential Members make if they request to join your Group. All requests will be listed here and you can Approve or Deny them.
All Members of a Group are listed here and can be viewed or removed using this section. Click the View All button to view all Group Members and click the arrow to the right of their name to remove them from a Group if desired.
Upload Files to Share:
Use the Files section to upload any files that you wish to share with your Group. You can use this section as a place to store important resources that can help your organization or assist in financial coaching for your customers.