In LEARN, there are two types of Modules: Courses and Learning Paths. You may notice in LEARN that each Module is denoted using both of these types.
LEARN Module Types:
Course: Courses are stand-alone learning modules that cover specific financial topics (for example: Credit Building, Tax Season Preparation and Resource Planning). Courses are broken down into sections and lessons, including a section in each course called “Financial Coaching Actions.” Each lesson within these sections are actions that you can take with your customers and correspond to the action tiles in the Action Plan of Change Machine (for example: Identify Values or Pull Credit Report).
Learning Path: Learning Paths are groups of courses and other content that have been designed to create a seamless learning experience. Learning paths are tailored to create expertise in specific financial security topics (for example: Goals, Assets and Debt) or to provide basic or specialized knowledge over a broad selection of topics. Unlike courses, which are stand-alone and can be completed in any order, learning paths follow a set sequence.